Saturday, May 10, 2014


Decrease description not to sound quite poetic…

The ‘Hot Dog Party’ oil painting’s review is very in-depth. I suggest you decrease the descriptive side of the review because it sounds quite poetic. It’s still a very good one.
(Source: generationinvisible)




You brought Jaisini’s high aesthetics to me. Thank you. So what?
"This action is taken on behalf of Gleitzeit Paul Jaisini to bring high aesthetics closer to people."


the holy trinity: I have no interest in your arrogant view of art. I highly doubt anyone...

I have no interest in your arrogant view of art. I highly doubt anyone else does either. To expect everyone to adapt to your self-absorbed writing style in order to understand a genre of art shows how out of touch with the “people” your “high aesthetics” scene is. Perhaps by “people” you meant the wine sipping “high aesthetics” snobs who attend all of the New York gallery openings, in which case you are a narrow minded fool as well. If you want to bring art to the people, get to their level and speak in ways they understand. Quit shoving your “high aesthetics” crap down everyone’s throat.
The above comment is a response to the Gleitzeit outreach content that contains art essays. 


google search for “on behalf of Gleitzeit Paul Jaisini to bring high aesthetics”

google search on 11/3/2013 at 3:03 PM Eastern Time
  • Editor's note: This file has an interesting story.  Apparently, this guy,
       Mr. Kotz-Gottlieb ("Gottlieb" meaning 'God-love' in German), has been
       mass-spamming art websites, guestbooks, e-mails, and newsgroups with his
       attempt to spread the word of fine art to the masses.  And it is with
       great pleasure that aNAda was sent one of his letters, and it is with even
       more pleasure for us to post it here today.  Yes.
  • Blue Reincarnation—Narcissus, oil painting by Jaisini by Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb —The book is about new art form called Gleitzeit and the artist Paul Jaisini who originated Gleitzeit. I plan to include a series of essays, interviews, analysis of the style, an interactive chapter with readers interesting responses. New— 1/21/00


Island Princess writes on 3/8/00 re: Marble Lady that she went out onto the net to see the paintings and couldn’t find them only found the reviews everywhere. “I am a writer and very often if I find a piece of art will build a poem around it…”