Saturday, May 10, 2014


you have pushed out the same post on more than 62000 occasions.

From the previous post: “That interested me! I have now discovered that you have spammed this request so often that Google identifies that you have pushed out the exact same post on more than 62000 occasions.”
1997- ongoing statistics on Paul Jaisini, Marble Lady, Narcissus, Manifesto, etc. gleitzeit “hits” - number of page views, posts on the Internet, Internet searches, comments, emails, readership accounts to a substantial number. Documenting Gleitzeit is not done to acquire the exact number of Internet hits if it’s ten million hits or a hundred million. In the course of posting here the samples of how the Gleitzeit art mission formed the ideas I do see various numbers when google search fetches results on the keywords. Somewhere I saw “page view” counts in other places there’s sitemeters with over two million hits or 20,000.  Most of the sites with essays could be found online or already removed since the websites now are non-functional and some content is archived some content is gone. As high as the numbers could go is not the concern.
Very interesting even mystifying for me to understand the human reaction and its mechanics of  how and why people react certain way as they did and continue to react. The reaction manifests same way now as it did years ago so long as the formula remains the same: the receiver/reader is presented with the verbal description in a form of essay about oil painting by Paul Jaisini and no image of the artwork.

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