Saturday, May 10, 2014


the holy trinity: schmoostis: get some help Do you really have nothing better to do than...

Schmoostis: get some help Do you really have nothing better to do than stir up problems on a board where no one wants you? Haven’t you figured it out yet? Don’t you see you are pushing your idiotic writing and pseudo-philosophy on people who couldn’t care less? Please—do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. We don’t care about your stupid art interest, your crappy writing or your need to puff up your own ego by sucking attention by stirring up decent people. You add nothing here, do you understand that? Your obnoxiousness has made you hated, don’t you see that? Please, before you are dragged out of your flee-bitten apartment by the scruff of your neck to the local mental institution, get some strong psychotropic medication! Leave these good people alone—find your attention someplace else. You don’t want to end up as just another bum muttering to himself in the New York gutter—you know—like Steve Martin in “The Jerk”— sitting in a bathtub mambling to yourself: “I used to be a well-known art critic and novelist and now I’m a basket case in the gutter.” Reach out and get some help before it’s too late.

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