Saturday, May 10, 2014


a redoubled vision

Paul Jaisini New Oil Paintings. Enclosure of line captures the inner logic.
Writes Ingrid D in circa 1989 
P J creates two different forms of vision, a redoubled vision of seeing and knowing that something is hidden…”
"The new interpretation of line connection and enclosure…
Vision of feeling, vision of understanding…
Line graph is a way of choices where style is unlimited… 
P J believes in the inner expansion inward at the time when outer expansion brings regress. Art as information is being produced and by the megaton, though much of it in its rawest, most fragmented form. This doesn’t mean, however, that there is necessarily a great deal more knowledge (other than of purely technical kind); nor is there all that much more understanding of the world we live in, let alone a ‘legitimate wisdom.’ In the words of Bruce Springsteen, ‘67 channels and noythin’ on.’ The nothingness expands further just as channels grow to hundreds.

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