Saturday, May 10, 2014


"They may seem overstimulating and elicit voluntary and involuntary interest and attention." Ingrid D 1989 (about Paul Jaisini’s paintings)
google the name, key words, who was doing review of P J in 1989
”„, A taste for not form alone, not color alone but a taste for change and enclosure emerges in societies characteristic of postmodern “muscle rules” society where everything moves by the law of recurrency.”
Ingrid D writes about P J’s subtle gradations in painting “untitled” 1988. “Color here creates maximum visibility with effective gradual transition of color tints… the images are hidden to insure minimal visibility of the figures… The role of descriptive line is continuous, organic almost loose and flowing… The artwork’s composition, color, line enclosure cooperate and reinforce the effect, join to form a perfect unity…
Complex not confusing… Balanced, interesting, never overdone. P J’s new artworks communicate fierce feelings that are formed the pure visual pleasure of the irrational labyrinth. It reflects the today’s reality proved to be a labyrinth without sure exit, but with sure entrance…
Color choice as coding.
Color coding and pure expression evoking mood or suggesting ideas.. P J is a superior colorist, evokes abstractions such as sorrow, joy or trust with his color choice and its elaboration…. He achieves non-diminishing effectiveness and ceaseless cycle of interest…
Superfluid linearity of mind-made composition…”
Interesting! Must try find Who What When Where Why wrote circa 1989
enter whole phrases in google, add variations of names, artwork titles, etc. 
key words P J biography (hard to find, rare)

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