Saturday, May 10, 2014


Re: Rollerduck rocks! You said, “Nothing can be improved if it doesn’t exist.” and you’re right. Nothing does not exist. Nature abhors a vacuum. So nothing cannot be improved. Applied to writing: Anything I write can be improved. Everything I don’t write can’t. So advice to Jack is correct. This makes invisible art perfect. If you make any attempt to see it, your attempt affects the art and it becomes imperfect. Quantum mechanics provides all the math to prove it.
Now, all you guys that have been trying to view the painting, listen up. You weren’t paying attention. Yustas is looking for (speakers, writers, etc.) inviting us (or anyone) to participate in her art fantasy is the explanation: “What is accepted for submission to be included in the book: Literary essays (1,000-3,000 words) for associative writing on invisible paintings.”

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