Saturday, May 10, 2014


Decrease description not to sound quite poetic…

The ‘Hot Dog Party’ oil painting’s review is very in-depth. I suggest you decrease the descriptive side of the review because it sounds quite poetic. It’s still a very good one.
(Source: generationinvisible)




You brought Jaisini’s high aesthetics to me. Thank you. So what?
"This action is taken on behalf of Gleitzeit Paul Jaisini to bring high aesthetics closer to people."


the holy trinity: I have no interest in your arrogant view of art. I highly doubt anyone...

I have no interest in your arrogant view of art. I highly doubt anyone else does either. To expect everyone to adapt to your self-absorbed writing style in order to understand a genre of art shows how out of touch with the “people” your “high aesthetics” scene is. Perhaps by “people” you meant the wine sipping “high aesthetics” snobs who attend all of the New York gallery openings, in which case you are a narrow minded fool as well. If you want to bring art to the people, get to their level and speak in ways they understand. Quit shoving your “high aesthetics” crap down everyone’s throat.
The above comment is a response to the Gleitzeit outreach content that contains art essays. 


google search for “on behalf of Gleitzeit Paul Jaisini to bring high aesthetics”

google search on 11/3/2013 at 3:03 PM Eastern Time
  • Editor's note: This file has an interesting story.  Apparently, this guy,
       Mr. Kotz-Gottlieb ("Gottlieb" meaning 'God-love' in German), has been
       mass-spamming art websites, guestbooks, e-mails, and newsgroups with his
       attempt to spread the word of fine art to the masses.  And it is with
       great pleasure that aNAda was sent one of his letters, and it is with even
       more pleasure for us to post it here today.  Yes.
  • Blue Reincarnation—Narcissus, oil painting by Jaisini by Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb —The book is about new art form called Gleitzeit and the artist Paul Jaisini who originated Gleitzeit. I plan to include a series of essays, interviews, analysis of the style, an interactive chapter with readers interesting responses. New— 1/21/00


Island Princess writes on 3/8/00 re: Marble Lady that she went out onto the net to see the paintings and couldn’t find them only found the reviews everywhere. “I am a writer and very often if I find a piece of art will build a poem around it…”


the holy trinity: something called The Theory of Invisible Art

something called The Theory of Invisible Art

Well, folks, what if there actually was something called The Theory of Invisible Art? What then? Whether you agree with it, or disagree…whether you like Yustas or hate her (we have some real haters here)… whether you understand it or you don’t… whether you choose to laugh at it or you don’t…what if there really was something called The Theory of Invisible Art? Okay, you don’t believe it, won’t believe it, your mind is closed on the subject. I can’t really believe that. If you’re not willing to set aside disbelief for even a moment to consider another point of view, you can’t be a serious writer. Come on now, assume for a moment that there just may be some serious thinking cast in this direction by a divergent group of fairly successful and prominent people in our society, including scientists, artists and sociologists. Now walk with me a little ways on this one…what if these thinking people were interested in the process of creating art, in how it went from chaos to beauty, from unformed to formed, from nothing to something, from invisible to visible? Can’t you see how such a thread deserves a bit more consideration than many of you have given it? I’m proud of the few of you who have been thoughtful enough to at least ponder possibilities and potential implications in terms of your own work. What, the scoffers say, might such a preposterous theory have to do with writers? Open your eyes, friend—just a few days ago, a writer posted complaining of writer’s block. And aren’t we always trying to evaluate good ideas, how to acquire them and turn them into novels, screenplays, short stories, essays? Well, along comes a theory that just might help some of you intellectualize the raw process…take another look. You don’t have to see a painting by Paul Jaisini to understand what Yustas is trying to tell you. Look for the sense, the meaning, the ideas that might help you to become a better writer and artist.


The photo above is found at
Sometimes in first years of 2000 the website artbabyart asked for more content to upload the second page. First page with the essays was loaded around 1998-99.
The photos were added for presentation (tag #NewYorkcodepink) The way I know it is that Paul Jaisini is not the creator of the photos found at site. They signature JAISINI signifies he agreed to have some images on the website since the request for images was so massive. There’s no information on how these photos were created. On site they are called N-city photos and appear under a title “Who is Artist Paul Jaisini.” I know that placing visual images under such page name was on behalf of the webmasters erroneous assumption. Rick Santiago or whoever was in charge to upload content had seen what he thought was a signature of Paul Jaisini on the photos. That is how I understand why the photos are placed under a page titled “Who is Artist Paul Jaisini.” Fact is that the group of people together with Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb (Ellen Yustas K. Gottlieb) were involved with Gleitzeit outreach now and at that time. The name on the photos might signify that Paul Jaisini agreed with the images to appear on the Internet for presentation reason. I can’t say for sure that this is exactly what happened. As to how the webmaster of artbabyart site misplaced the photos is easy to assume that he/she wanted to make it easier for the visitors to navigate the site. 


you have pushed out the same post on more than 62000 occasions.

From the previous post: “That interested me! I have now discovered that you have spammed this request so often that Google identifies that you have pushed out the exact same post on more than 62000 occasions.”
1997- ongoing statistics on Paul Jaisini, Marble Lady, Narcissus, Manifesto, etc. gleitzeit “hits” - number of page views, posts on the Internet, Internet searches, comments, emails, readership accounts to a substantial number. Documenting Gleitzeit is not done to acquire the exact number of Internet hits if it’s ten million hits or a hundred million. In the course of posting here the samples of how the Gleitzeit art mission formed the ideas I do see various numbers when google search fetches results on the keywords. Somewhere I saw “page view” counts in other places there’s sitemeters with over two million hits or 20,000.  Most of the sites with essays could be found online or already removed since the websites now are non-functional and some content is archived some content is gone. As high as the numbers could go is not the concern.
Very interesting even mystifying for me to understand the human reaction and its mechanics of  how and why people react certain way as they did and continue to react. The reaction manifests same way now as it did years ago so long as the formula remains the same: the receiver/reader is presented with the verbal description in a form of essay about oil painting by Paul Jaisini and no image of the artwork.


the holy trinity: Ron, Neil Klaw & Yustas are the same person.

Ron, Neil Klaw & Yustas are the same person.

Ron, Neil Klaw & Yustas are the same person.
Another Conspirator Theory Booooooog Ron, Neil Klaw & Yustas are not the same person. Pay attention, Neil doesn’t even like me. He said we are members of a “cloyingly narcissistic mutual admiration schtick” or words to that effect, and that is stiff business, coming from such as he. Klaw
But the real problem is that the entire thing is an auto-fellating sack of shit as description or criticism… I don’t think I’ll be buying the print or the book… That being so,” the desire of man must have been in an endless existence and will continue to dwell in bodies and in works of art to which Wet Dream is an example.”
Okay Yustas, let’s get a few things straight. It is clear that you have issues, and you are attempting to drag this into a pointless gutter fight – as you have attempted to do with so many others. You are well known to operate for your own ends under several pseudonyms. Indeed, well over 12 months ago your writing and photographic practices were detailed at the club’s chronic journal . Indeed you do have questionable practices… I’m sure one or two celebs would be interested to see the manipulated images you have generated. But your calls for submission… That interested me! I have now discovered that you have spammed this request so often that Google identifies that you have pushed out the exact same post on more than 62000 occasions. Indeed in the club people have been extraordinarily tolerant of your practices…


Catherine writes in regards to M/C Reviews Bio: Yustas has sent me some biographical info for M/C Reviews, which I’ve condensed to form the following: “Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb begun studying the piano at the age of 6, but when stage-fright prevented a career in music, she decided to concentrate on art. After a spell in Europe, where she was trained academically in painting, she found her true calling as a writer and art critic. Yustas is now working on a book about Paul Jaisini, the inventor of Gleitzeit art.”


Well, folks, what if there actually was something called The Theory of Invisible Art?
One among many questions asked as a result of reading essays about Paul Jaisini. 


the holy trinity: I think the heart of what you are describing is the creative process,...

I think the heart of what you are describing is the creative process, the act of carving, sculpting, bringing to life, something out of nothing. Gary/Harry was at his best when he made the comment about which side is up. But he became thin skinned when he thought I was laughing at (rather than with) him. Such a theory as you are involved with is easily misunderstood, and I think you are perhaps often misunderstood as well because you have no patience with fools. But if you take everything I said, in the context I said it, my musings in this area go some way to explain or at least to question just how man creates. I think you might do a screenplay about your experiences. It could be funny. Maybe you are right, maybe a book on art is the way to go. Or maybe, you could do an autobiographical book on your experiences. After all, in a sense, the poster is invisible. You are describing the experiences of an essentially invisible person in the electronic age. Have you noticed how differently people respond to you when you mail than when you talk? When people reply in writing, they tend to be boastful, arrogant, cruel, flaming… take Harry/Gary for instance. As a responder, he is often openly mean, snobbish and cruel. You saw him in real time, he is timid, uncertain and repressed.
(Source: generationinvisible)


Ken writes regarding Manifesto Gleitzeit 3/21/00: You have the wrong number. There’s no one here with that neo pro anti (or whatever) anything. Copyright 2001 A Spacy Odyssey, (long version)


I may not be able to tell you what good invisible art is, but I know it when I see it.


the holy trinity: schmoostis: get some help Do you really have nothing better to do than...

Schmoostis: get some help Do you really have nothing better to do than stir up problems on a board where no one wants you? Haven’t you figured it out yet? Don’t you see you are pushing your idiotic writing and pseudo-philosophy on people who couldn’t care less? Please—do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. We don’t care about your stupid art interest, your crappy writing or your need to puff up your own ego by sucking attention by stirring up decent people. You add nothing here, do you understand that? Your obnoxiousness has made you hated, don’t you see that? Please, before you are dragged out of your flee-bitten apartment by the scruff of your neck to the local mental institution, get some strong psychotropic medication! Leave these good people alone—find your attention someplace else. You don’t want to end up as just another bum muttering to himself in the New York gutter—you know—like Steve Martin in “The Jerk”— sitting in a bathtub mambling to yourself: “I used to be a well-known art critic and novelist and now I’m a basket case in the gutter.” Reach out and get some help before it’s too late.


Ice writes on 3/3/00 the he enjoyed the Paul Jaisini Manifesto thing.
James writes re: Narcissus 3/3/00 Fortunately, the story is just that… a myth.